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Everyone dreams of having a perfect body and burning the fat stored in the body overnight, and the question remains, what is the best way to burn the fat stored in the body, and it constitutes an obstacle to the dream of the perfect body. Let's be more realistic; Burning the stored fat in the body requires a lot of effort because what has been gained in years does not go overnight, but there are some ways that may accelerate the burning of stored fat in the body, and slim the body, by following a healthy lifestyle and achieving the dream of obtaining an athletic body. Faster.

Before delving into the ways to burn stored fat in the body, let's get to know more closely about fats and their various sources, and the factors that affect their formation so that we can burn them easily.

What are fats?

They are chemical compounds consisting of amino acids, and they are considered one of the most important sources of energy in the human body. They are available in nature in several different types, some of which are useful and harmful. We get them from two main sources, plant sources and animal sources, where the individual must eat approximately thirty grams of fat per day But if the amount of fat exceeds the body's need, it begins to accumulate on the walls of blood vessels and the heart, causing many diseases.

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Why is burning stored body fat a problem?

Apart from the look and feel, the measurement of clothes, which varies up and down, and the scale numbers that make us worry, there are many problems of obesity and intractable fat that go beyond mere appearance to affect health, especially belly fat, which is the most dangerous and worst type of fat at all.

Hence, burning belly fat has always been the top priority in burning body fat, as it is also the hardest fat to burn. It also affects cholesterol levels in the blood and may lead with age to problems in the heart, blood vessels, blood pressure and diabetes.

As for the second type of fat, which is distributed in the rest of the body, it is subcutaneous fat and we find it in the arms, thighs and the rest of the body except for the abdomen and middle. It is more difficult because it requires determination, will and great effort to burn fat and tighten the muscles and skin around it.

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Why is burning stored body fat a problem What are the factors that affect the burning of stored body fat?

1- Metabolism

It is the body's ability to burn calories and break down carbohydrates, sugars and fats in the body and convert them into energy to supply the body with it to carry out daily activities, and the lower its percentage in the body, the greater the weight.

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The rate of burning gradually decreases every ten years by 5% after reaching the age of 40 due to the decrease in muscle mass.


The burning speed is higher in men compared to women, and this is due to the fact that the volume of muscle tissue in men is greater than in women.

3- Heredity

The reason for the low rate of burning may be due to the inheritance of parents and grandparents.

4- Thyroid disorder

The thyroid gland plays a large role in the metabolism process. When consuming energy during rest time, the body depends on thyroid hormones, as they regulate the speed of the body’s metabolism and can slow or speed it up, and only 3% of the world’s population suffers from deficiency or hyperactivity. for the thyroid gland.

Factors that affect the burning of stored fat in the body

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How to burn stored fat in the body naturally

It is always recommended to resort to natural solutions at the beginning of the process of burning fat in the body, which may seem to some difficult or intractable and long-term, especially when you need to get rid of tens of kilograms, but determination, will and desire to change are enough to reach your goal, and here are some ways and tips

1- Drink enough water

Water is one of the most important nutrients that maintain the health of the body. It helps hydrate the body and protect it from dehydration, rids the body of excess water, and also stimulates the body to absorb food, which helps in burning fat in the body and thus reducing weight. German research has also proven that drinking 6 cups of cold water per day, equivalent to - about a liter and a quarter - helps burn about 50 calories per day, equivalent to losing 2 kilograms annually, because cold water requires burning calories until it reaches body temperature. .

Drink enough water

2- Fighting fats with fiber

Eating fiber is the best fighter for weight gain after drinking water, because it helps fiber to accelerate fat burning by 30% because it takes more time in the digestion process and therefore it is difficult for the body to absorb it easily, reducing blood sugar and accelerating the process of burning fat stored in the body and thus losing weight Faster, so experts recommend eating at least 25 grams of fiber per day.

How do I burn stored fat in the body?

How to burn stored fat in the body naturally

It is always recommended to resort to natural solutions at the beginning of the process of burning fat in the body, which may seem to some difficult or intractable and long-term, especially when you need to get rid of tens of kilograms, but determination, will and desire to change are enough to reach your goal, and here are some ways and tips

1- Drink enough water

Water is one of the most important nutrients that maintain the health of the body. It helps hydrate the body and protect it from dehydration, rids the body of excess water, and also stimulates the body to absorb food, which helps in burning fat in the body and thus reducing weight. German research has also proven that drinking 6 cups of cold water per day, equivalent to - about a liter and a quarter - helps burn about 50 calories per day, equivalent to losing 2 kilograms annually, because cold water requires burning calories until it reaches body temperature. .

2- Fighting fats with fiber

Eating fiber is the best fighter for weight gain after drinking water, because it resurge fiber to accelerate fat burning by 30% because it takes more time in the digestion process and therefore it is difficult for the body to absorb it easily, reducing blood sugar and accelerating the process of burning fat stored in the body and thus losing weight Faster, so experts recommend eating at least 25 grams of fiber per day.

How do I burn stored fat in the body?

3- Reducing the level of insulin in the blood

We can call the insulin hormone “fat storage hormone” because the more insulin is secreted after each meal, the more fat is stored in the body, and the reason for this is because the body secretes the hormone insulin to overcome the amount of calories entering it, so if you want to lose weight and burn fat in the body ; You have to control the levels of insulin in the blood after each meal, by reducing the amounts of calories entering the body by at least 200 calories per day and maintaining this amount for at least four days and then taking a meal with large calories so that the body does not get used to the amount of calories An equal daily dose and insulin is secreted in a manner appropriate to the amount of each meal. For this reason, most diets that are based on a policy of starvation are not beneficial in burning stored body fat and losing weight.

Where To Buy Java Burn Weight Loss Coffee?

You Can Java Burn Weight Loss Coffee on Official Java Burn Website only at JAVABURN.COM

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